The IQAC was reconstituted on 01 March 2021 for ensuring quality sustenance and enhancement, during the post-accreditation period, as a continuous process. The primary task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the performance of the institution. The IQAC will channel the efforts and measures towards academic excellence in all the operations of the institution and to assure the stakeholders the accountability of the institution for its own quality and probity.

  • Chairman : Dr. James John, Principal
  • Co-ordinator : Dr. Thomas V. Mathew (Department of Chemistry)


  • Dr. Salvin K Thomas Kappiliparampil, Vice-Principal
  • Dr. Davis Xavier, Vice-Principal
  • Fr. Mathew Alapattumedayil, Bursar
  • Dr. Siby James (Dept. of English)
  • Dr. Toji Thomas (Dept. of Botany)
  • Dr. Biju K.C. (Dept. of Economics)
  • Dr. Tejil Thomas (Dept. of Commerce)
  • Dr. Cyriac Jose (Dept. of Archaeology)
  • Sri. Augustine J. Edakkara (Dept of Physics)
  • Smt. Shilpa Mathew (Dept. of English)
  • Sri. Sunil N.J. (Senior Superintendent)
  • Dr. M.D. Mathew (Alumni Nominee)
  • Dr. Mendus Jacob (Employer’s Nominee)
  • Sri. Jose Mamparambil, (Industrialist’s Nominee)
  • Dr. P.D. George (Local Society Nominee)
  • Adv. Aji Jose (Parent’s Nominees)
  • Ms. Ansu Royit (Student’s Nominee)