Department Of Communicative English

Established in 1996 with the support of a UGC-sponsored undergraduate program, the Department of Communicative English underwent a pivotal shift in 2002, transitioning into a Self-Financing course. This transformation saw the introduction of double majors in English Literature and Communication Studies, welcoming both male and female students into its fold. The department owes much of its success to its founding members, including Prof. V O Chummar, Prof. Tommy Cheriyan, Prof. Tom K Cheriyan, Prof. Mathew Joseph, Dr. Augustine Joseph, and Prof. Thomas Jacob, who laid the groundwork for its achievements. Renowned for consistently producing outstanding results in university exams, it has secured numerous University Ranks over the years. Notably, in 2020, the program expanded its offerings to include Journalism as a third major, alongside English Literature and Communication, further enriching its academic portfolio.

Department Of Communicative English