Library Rules and Regulations

  • Students entering the Library should scan their identity cards at the entrance.
  • Before entering the library personal articles like books, umbrellas, bags etc. should be kept at the entrance at places assigned for the purpose.
  • Strict silence should be observed in and around the Library.
  • Magazines and papers should not be removed from their places on the tables and stands. No mechanical reproduction or tracing of materials shall be made without the permission of the librarian.
  • Books of reference, illustrated and rare books, special books, multivolume collections, serial publications and periodicals will not be issued out. However, these may be consulted within the library after making necessary entries in the reference register.
  • Members of the staff may borrow books after making the necessary entries and signing in the issue registers. Teachers may keep text books with them for the whole academic year. Other books (not more than 10 at a time at any rate) may be kept up to 30 days. However, all books borrowed from the library should be returned before 30th April every year.

Borrower Cards

  • Books are issued to the students on borrower cards. Degree students will be issued two cards each, PG. students 5 and research students 5. As a rule, only one book will be issued on a single card. The reader must surrender his/her card when a book is issued and take back the card when the book is returned.
  • 1st PG. and 1st D.C. students should apply for Borrower Cards in the prescribed form (available in the library) within 50 days of their admission. Cards are issued for the duration of the course. On completion of the course, students should return their library cards by the dates fixed for the purpose.
  • Borrower cards are not transferable.
  • Students should submit in writing to the librarian, if their library card is lost. To replace a lost card a duplicate may be issued on payment of a penalty of Rs. 20/-

How to Borrow a Book

  • After making his selection, the borrower must hand over the book, borrower card and his identity card at the issue counter. The book will be issued after the card and the identity card are checked.
  • Before leaving the counter the borrowers shall point out to the Librarian any damage or mutilation on the books they are taking. The Librarian will then make necessary entries in the book and put his initials.

Returning the Book

  • It is the duty of the librarian and his staff to examine the books when they are returned by the borrowers in order to take immediate action whenever necessary.
  • The loan period is 14 days. But in special circumstances the Librarian can call back any book at any time from a reader, even if the period of loan has not expired.
  • A book may be re-issued for one week on demand. Delay in returning a book after the due date will entail a fine of one rupee per day of delay for each volume.

Damage to Books

  • It is the duty of the librarian and his staff to examine the books when they are returned by the borrowers in order to take immediate action whenever necessary.
  • The loan period is 14 days. But in special circumstances the Librarian can call back any book at any time from a reader, even if the period of loan has not expired.
  • A book may be re-issued for one week on demand. Delay in returning a book after the due date will entail a fine of one rupee per day of delay for each volume.